My work explores perceived reality through theory and materials. My recent work examined esoteric rituals and performance. I used performance to simulate individual devotion. The wearable art depicted in the performance acts as a conduit to a spiritual plane, making the fleeting concept of spirituality a solid, tangible object. By placing the wearable art into a physical space, I invoke worship as a concept. Thus the art acts as a point of focus which may spark a spiritual awakening.

By investigating religious ceremonies and practices from around the world, I found light, fire, water and dance to be recurring themes. I have used these themes throughout this installation.

I have created a liminal space for the viewer to explore their own relationship to the divine. This liminal space gives room to play by exposing a gap in everyday commitments and spirituality/devotion.

Installation view

Installation view

Video stills with YouTube link

Video stills with YouTube link

Wearable art and sculpture

Wearable art and sculpture

Installation view

Installation view

Video stills

Video stills

Installation view

Installation view

Red, blue and yellow light on metal

Red, blue and yellow light on metal

Wearable art on stand

Wearable art on stand

Wearable art and installation view

Wearable art and installation view

Research on world religion

Research on world religion

my video installation
final installation in NCAD