'Home', follows the story of a Selkie bride in a cruel disguise. One morning while bathing in the morning light, a fisherman stole her seal skin to make her his wife. Uncomfortable in her new skin and forced to remain on land longing to return to the ocean.
Anchored by the sea and its mercurial nature, this body of work pays homage to the traditional craft and folklore of rural Ireland. Driven by storytelling and handcrafting, these pieces combine the intimate action of hand knitting and embroidering to create a sensory experience that links memory with emotion.
Crafted using secondhand yarns and fabrics sourced in Ireland; environmental awareness is an overall theme of this project. Colour and natural fibres such as cotton, aran and alpaca wool were mindfully selected when considering tradition and Irish landscape. Focusing on the colour blue, not only to represent the ocean, but to evoke the feelings of melancholy and isolation.