Darkness, the underneath, the things that evade us inspire my work. There is an insatiable urge to know the unknowable, and this urge has led to the creation of large body of folklore, superstitions and practices. In Ireland, this manifests prevalently with our many caves and cave systems. My work addresses the human ability to fill the unknown, and what we can create through this desire.
This project focuses on the multitude of ways in which caves have been adapted, utilised and perceived over time. Though our initial draw to these spaces comes from their overwhelming physical and sensory experience, there is also a long history of their human use and occupation. Through design, this project examines our interaction with caves; by way of cartography and spelunking, as shelter or protection, and in the tales we weave to keep ourselves powerful.

The first instalment of the 'Tales of Keshcorran' triptych illustrates the story of High King Cormac MacAirt, who was stolen as an infant and raised in a cave by a wolf

The second instalment illustrates the elopement of Gráinne and Diarmuid, who whilst fleeing the wrath of Fionn MacCumhail spent many nights sheltering in caves

The third instalment illustrates the capture of Fionn MacCumhail by three witches who bound him in magic cord in a cave as punishment for trespassing

'Hidden Depths'; Book cover

'Hidden Depths'; Page spreads

'Hidden Depths'; Book fold out