I would define my graphic design practice as 'expressionist'. I am not driven by emotions but by the amount of knowledge I can get from said project. I feel comfortable designing printed outcomes such as newspapers or posters. However, I do enjoy researching and finding which visuals would match a company’s personality. I love putting big questions out there – mostly interrogating our mass usage of technology – while not giving my own opinion, which is probably why newspaper design suits me. I am really inspired by the 'Libération' magazine which is bold and well organised. I mainly use Adobe suites and online platforms to work.
I always begin with a pen and paper, then I go back and forth from screen to notebook. In conclusion, by staying legitimate to the basics, I believe that I would be able to flourish in the design industry and to plant frank pieces on my path.

Cover of the 'Sarcastic Poster' campaign

Cover of 'OURS', The college's newspaper

'The Substitute', outcome 3 of 'Back to reality'

'Sarcastic'; Poster campaign

'The Substitute'; Format and viability

'Back to reality'

The posters are using trending TikToks to raise awareness on social media

The idea behind the stickers

The research question

'OURS'; Strategy and Specifications document