As an immigrant black woman, I continually question my place in society and the challenges of reshaping my identity as an artist and researcher in a decolonial context.
My work translates my reflections on intersectionality, racism, feminism, the environment, culture and sociopolitical issues. The collection of objects, artefacts and performances aims to portray and unpack the subject of colonisation and its legacy in modern society.
The video is presented in chapter breaks with a non-linear narrative with a historical, poetic, non-romantic approach. It depicts a natural cyclic process, whose end resonates with the beginning as history repeats itself in each chapter; in another time and space but in the same context. The scenes are made up of many overlapping stories from different voices and create different perspectives to build a narrative that confronts and exposes the status quo of colonial aesthetics.


'Dark light'

'Invasion I'

'Invasion II'

'Working desk'

'Colonized body I'

'Colonized body II'

'The Hole'


'About Bubbles'