In today's world we live through online personas and are heavily impacted by certain body images being presented by the media, celebrities and online influencers. There's an expectation to uphold this ‘image of beauty’ among ourselves and our peers which leads to overly body conscious behaviours being normalised. I want to break this understanding of what a human body should look like through being playful with the human form. By creating wearables with exaggerated body parts, I aimed help to break the understanding that there is not only one idea of how a human body should look.
‘He, Him , She, Her, They, Them’ is a book that gives an insight into gender expression and presents that gender can act as a social role and a performative expectation rather than a biological identity. These personal stories show the problematic consequences of gender roles and what it is like to grow up with an external expectation on how to live depending on your given gender. They also give insight into the lives of people who no longer identify as their given gender at birth and what it is like making that transition.
With technology becoming the forefront of how society operates, it is expected that it will impact the development of humanity even greater, and perhaps even take over our natural evolution. Transhumanism suggest that one day humans and technology will merge as one and we are already able to see the process happening today. 'Utopia' is a fictional company set in 2065 when humanity is on its course of discarding their human bodies and uploading their minds digitally. This project looks at the concept of transhumanism and what services might be available to us in the future once technology becomes more advanced.

'Playing with the Human Body'

‘He, Him , She, Her, They, Them’; Book
