Tammy Quanes’ work is an unorganised story. It revolves around colourful paintings expressing tension, mystery, memory, childhood recollections, ghost stories and tall tales. Simultaneously questioning and exploring memory, the use of personal stories and adopting other stories, via archives or conversations, depicts an odd narrative. Her work is absorbed with depicting the woman as the central character in the story.
Through remembered ghost stories, an interpretation of these ideas occur in an abstract way. My paintings comprise strong, bright acrylic or oil paint, thickly painted onto paper and board; and in places used thinly to reveal a truth. At times the paint may be scraped off or wiped clean, but something remains.
The edges left blank is a theme incorporated into some of the paper pieces. The answers my work prompts lie in the viewer's memory, in collective stories, connections, misconnections, misfires and stories gone awry.