My work 'A Minute in my Life' is modelled on the concept of a sensory room. This work was conceived due to my issues as an Autistic individual. I want to replicate how I experience the world in a way others can engage with. This is done with the aid of sensory equipment and lighting within a controlled environment. I feel that the only way people can thoroughly understand what a disability is like to live with, is to experience some aspect of it. That is why this work invites the audience to engage with it, with the sound chamber giving a glimpse of what it is like to have an audio sensitivity. The rest of the room is designed to act as a calming area after a difficult experience within the chamber. I have included sensory aids I use within my personal life as I navigate the world as an Autistic person.

'A Minute in my Life Room'

'Sensory Area'

'Sensory Area'

'Sound Chamber'

'Sound Chamber'

'Sound Chamber Texture'

'Sound Chamber Texture'

'Sound Chamber Texture'

'Sound Chamber Texture'

'Autism puzzle'