A light meter taking a light reading simultaneously becomes the camera’s subject.
A scenic alpine landscape negotiates the boundary between image and surface.
A hand squeezes the trigger.
Stemming from an interest in the artificiality of the photograph, 'A Hand Squeezes the Trigger' is a collection of self-reflexive, staged images that playfully explore the photographic medium in and of itself. The series combines the practices and techniques of commercial photography, the processes and apparatuses of analogue image-making and the visual language of retro advertisements for technology, resulting in an outcome that can be described as meta-photographic. Objects used in the construction and production of images are assimilated into images themselves seeking to create paradoxes of perception.

'Untitled (mountain)'; Digital file

Installation view 1

Installation view 2

Installation view 3

Installation view 4

Installation view 5

Installation view 6

Installation view 7

Installation view 8

'Untitled (air shutter trigger)'; Digital file