This low-fidelity installation consists of CRT-screen-based moving image works and experimental sound. It explores the emotional bonds we have with objects and technology.
There is a symbiotic relationship between humans and technology and a co-dependency in our co-existence. My work is beginning to ponder the degree to which our real-life escapist self may dissipate as a result of being increasingly infatuated by, and interwoven with, the digital. The definition of ourselves alters the longer we interact with that which is not human. As we are redefined, technology in turn is redefined and it creates a cycle of the consumption and regurgitation of both. This is the ephemerality of human and technological life and the failings of both are what make them endearing, the root of their charm.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Frame from moving image piece

Frame from moving image piece

Frame from moving image piece

Frame from moving image piece

Frame from moving image piece

Frame from moving image piece

Scanner collage which led to using computer-related ephemera for final moving image pieces