Manifesto for the Vanquished Idealist.
i. Where does the phrase ‘left-wing’ politics derive from?
ii. During the French Revolution, members in support of the Revolution sat to the left of the King while those in opposition sat to the right.
iii. The banner represents leaders, activists, protesters and an anonymous mass fighting for racial, gender and social injustices. These figures have come together for one mighty powerful march; and they are all looking left.
iv. On a psychological level, what does it mean to 'look left'? Does the saying, ‘When nothing goes right, go left?’ give any clarification?
v. In a world which feels increasingly undemocratic, oppressive and economically disparate, these figures are looking in the direction of a brighter tomorrow.
vi. Their eye-line directs the viewer towards statements describing our supposedly ‘ideal’ political and social climate.
vii. The sheer white fabric conceals statements on the more appropriate sentiment experienced by the masses.

Lino on fabric banner, 205 x 239cm

Installation view

'dim light'; Spraypaint on cardboard x 12

Installation view