'Birds Don’t Sing in Caves' is a project born from my fascination with the power and fragility of human relationships and behaviour.
Touching on 'Attachment Theory' in psychology, 'The 5 Love Languages' by Gary Chapman, and the various 'Stages of Relationships' identified by Psychologist Dr. Susan Campbell; my project aims to provide knowledge and tools to promote healthier communication and a better understanding of ourselves and others.
Through illustration, ceramics and textiles, 'Birds Don’t Sing in Caves' is a project about connection, pain, hope and love, and acts as a reminder that with the emotional tools and knowledge to grow, we can improve the way we understand ourselves and the world, and find meaningful connections to others.

Ceramic Poetry Plates with 'Birds Don't Sing in Caves' publication

Poetry Plates representing different stages of relationships

Stability Stage Plate

'Birds Don't Sing in Caves'; Riso publication

'Birds Don't Sing in Caves'; Riso publication

'Fearful Avoidant' and 'Anxious Preoccupied'; Attachment style posters

'Fearful Avoidant'; Attachment style poster

'Dismissive Avoidant' and 'Secure Attachment'; Attachment style posters

'Fearful Avoidant'; Attachment style embroidered cushion

'What's your love language?'; Soft book