I live and breathe sea life. It is the essence of my artistic journey. I strive to represent the unique nuances of the natural order above and below sea level. I seek to portray the boundless energy that constantly defines the power of the sea, while at the same time focusing on the harmony that co-exists between the many elements that share this living space.
My work is in both drawing and sculpture. My creations are predominantly monotone in colour with the intention of exuding a sense of calm in an otherwise dynamic and potentially chaotic world. In keeping with this, my line strokes and shapes tend to be rounded and soft edged rather than sharp and angular.
My drawing materials are pencil, charcoal and ink, all on white paper; often enhancing the composition with colourful collage. My sculptures use wire and plaster; and they typically comprise a combination of connected parts.

'Below The Break'

'Jellyfish & Sea Bed'

'Rolling Waves'