I explore the universal geometric foundation and nature of sound through experimentation with electronic sound materials, as well as my Roland Juno 6 analog synthesiser. Every vibrating object emits a sound, a magnetic wave that travels, resonates, reflects, and is often absorbed by other bodies. The space between how we listen, where we listen, and what we hear, is ultimately individually experiential, and species dependent.
The idea of fortifying information, of protecting intrinsic data, is a political, anxious act. In the transmission of research, I postulate alternative instructions for communal reflection and grounding. Sound and magnetic ontological experiments are set in an environmental condition: that we exist in a post truth society in which the only truth is number, sound is number in vibration, and therefore sound is the only truth.

'1:1'; Installation view

'ouroboros tectractys leads tape', 2022

'1:1'; Installation view

'1:1'; Installation view

'1:1'; Installation view