Mc Cloughlin’s practice is concerned with the materiality of public space. She engages in the act of 'gleaning', drawing from everyday material configurations which often get overlooked. To glean is to gather excess material from disparate sources. Influenced by filmmaker Agnès Varda’s documentary ‘The Gleaners and I’ (2000), which explores the act in urban and rural settings, Mc Cloughlin feels compelled to appropriate abandoned objects. Beginning with photographing found objects in their respective locations, she attempts to understand the objects’ economies of use and the patterns of these material arrangements.
No longer fulfilling their intended function, the objects found in their dislocated states lend themselves to reimagining. Through material manipulation, the utility of the objects is subverted by pushing the limitations of the object’s form. Ultimately the work aims to raise awareness around the circulation of mass-produced materials and how they embody the marks we leave as humans.

'Gleanings'; Installation view, photo credit: Scott Li

'Gleanings'; Installation view

'Gleanings'; Installation view

'Gleanings'; Accompanying publication, photo credit: Scott Li

'Unspun', 2022; Found aluminium, 38 x 51 x 36 cm, photo credit: Scott Li

Detail of 'Mesh'

Detail of 'Clash'

Dismounted bollards in public space

Abandoned buggies in the Dublin 8 area

Parts of washing machines in the city and suburbs