My work is a tribute to a place, time, or object that evokes a feeling of longing that we have never experienced before. I am interested in the relationship between the present and the past, the disembodiment of the subject, and the creation of a space that the viewer can begin to question.
I have found myself in a constant state of nostalgia, longing and reminiscing for times, trends, and cultures that I have never experienced. This is what I gravitate towards when adding images to my archive. This unknown nostalgia has been replicated through combining repetitious patterns from 1970s interiors found in Irish homes of that time, with contrasting graphic geometric shapes and figures with confusing and unnerving facial expressions.
My work curates itself through processes such as collage and layering both street photographers and archived images collected and stored through research, into a variety of new and rich outcomes that invite the viewer to dissect the meaning and symbolism within. Thus, I have developed and created nostalgic compositions that are not only mundane and recognisable but, in some cases, almost disconcerting and bewildering.

'Liminal Space'


'In My Head'

'Digital collage #1'

'Digital collage #2'

'Digital collage #3'

'Digital collage #4'

'Digital collage #5'

'Digital collage #6'

'Digital collage #7'
Teaching Placements
Holy Family School for the Deaf, Cabra West, Co. Dublin
Pobalscoil Iosolde, Palmerstown, Co. Dublin
Colaiste De Lacy, Ashbourne, Co. Meath
Colaiste Eoin, Cappagh Rd, Finglas, Dublin 11