‘Dual Reality’ is an interactive installation that explores the merging of our online and offline identities. It questions what is lost in the digital reconstruction of the human form. Merging physical and virtual space, the installation invites the viewer to fragment my digital self. Through interaction with the work, the viewer becomes part of the interplay between the real and the virtual world as they mutually influence each other.
'The Ship of Theseus' is a paradox which questions whether an object is the same after all its parts have been replaced. By investigating this thought experiment through a digital lens, this installation encourages reflection on the self in relation to one’s engagement with the online world.
‘Dual Reality’ also features my 3D scanned face which has been reconstructed through the process of 3D printing and an audio piece in which my human and computer-generated voices discuss what it means to have a digital double.

'Dual Reality'; Video still

Still from Projection Mapped 3D Print

'Dual Reality'; Installation view

Final Photogrammetry Scan

Simulation Iteration

3D Scanning Research

3D Scanning Research

First 3D Print Test

Photogrammetry Development