Hi, my name is MoeZee. Before coming to a mixed arts college with a unique, colourful atmosphere, I went to an all boys secondary school which was not so colourful. I didn't like secondary school very much and found the jump from there to college to be somewhat disorientating because of how different college was. I went from a depressing grey environment to a more optimistic colourful one that at least allowed me to study and focus on something that I enjoyed doing. My practice aims to try and look at certain memories from both environments so that the viewers may see the contrast between an all-boys secondary school and a mixed arts college.

'N o S t a l g I A'

'T h E s P o T'

'N c a d w o m a N'

'R e D'

'M o e Z e e'

'S c r a P'

'E x a m p a p e r S'

'E x a m p a p e r S'

'E x a m p a p e r S'