The continuity of nature compared to the fast-paced production and destruction caused by humans has been the springboard for my current body of work. Taking inspiration from derelict, overgrown spaces around Dublin, I look at how nature constantly renews itself and reclaims spaces and buildings that have been abandoned.
This body of work imagines a perhaps not-so-distant future, where there are only remnants of mankind and nature has taken over once more. While the man-made physical world will deteriorate, nature is constant.
Found objects, that have outlived their purpose, play a role in my prints and assemblages. I admire the hand-made, therefore my work has an imperfect, tactile quality. My printed pieces layer the mechanical lines of screen printing with more loose, fluid lines from etching. These different processes manifest the man-made and organic forms in my work, intertwining imagery of rubble and ruins with the fragility of new growth.

'Do Buildings Work Without Us?'; Detail

Installation view

'Do Buildings Work Without Us?'

Installation view

'Deep Rooted'


'Arrested Development'



'Reclamation'; Detail