We have all experienced love and loss and yet what I think love is and what you think love is could be different yet both of us are correct. I wanted to explore this, I wanted to explore how we can share and tell these stories of individual love and loss.
Through this project, I learned more about the human heart and I realised the importance of anonymity. People are more willing to tell their truth when it can’t be traced back to them. Through my survey, I gained heartfelt and heartbreaking insights into the opinions of strangers.
My project shows the chase of love, it tells these truthful opinions. It contrasts different lives and allows you to peer into people’s minds in the form of letters. But truly what it does is show that we are all the same.
Work made with pen, ink and many hours in photoshop.

'Porter Loves Cleo'

'A Response to Love'

'A wish'

'A Response to Loss'

'The Storm'

Book Cover

Letters on Love and Loss

'The Occurrence of Loss'

'The Longevity of Love'

Catalogue Cover