This work is dedicated to capturing the ineffable. It explores the expression of mental health and the incapability of expressing in a verbal manner to instead visually demonstrate that which can’t be explained in a physical form. It captures my personal outlook and experience into a visual space through print.
With my work, I wanted to express the realisation of the struggle with mental health and how it is difficult to see what you are putting yourself through until you express it from another perspective. I wanted to represent realisation to acceptance of how you treat yourself through physical and mental turmoil.
One hand is used to represent the acknowledgement of the severity of the figure's state, whilst the other hand represents the complete ignorance of how the figure has trapped itself within this situation.
At the height of my own personal mental state, I found the bed as my “comfort”, but it slowly began to isolate me and enliven the inability to express the severity of the situation.
With this piece, I wanted to show the idea that although it was a comfort it gradually became a form that engulfed the body and eventually became more harmful than remedial. The way of hanging the pieces may look unthreatening to most, but is personally used as a warning or threat of repetition.



Teaching Placements
Hartstown Community School, Clonsilla, Dublin 15
Moyle Park College, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
Drimnagh Castle CBS Secondary School, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
St. John of God Dublin South East Services, Glenageary, Co. Dublin
Loreto Senior Primary School, Crumlin, Dublin 12