'Hidden in Plain Sight' is a series of works depicting aspects of homelessness, juxtaposed with aspects of everyday mainstream living; two cultures coexisting in Dublin today.
The expression “Hidden in Plain Sight” is used to describe how one can be oblivious to the obvious. The expression is attributed to Edgar Allan Poe in 'The Purloined Letter' (1945).
It's easier to view images of human suffering through media representations, than to experience the weight of another's suffering in person, especially homelessness when the concept of home is so dear to the Irish psyche.
The work, entitled 'Luke', portrays a man abandoned, alone, naked, hungry, cold, and weary. He sits on steps as the world passes by, invisible, hidden in plain sight. The steps of Dublin City Hall provided a backdrop; the institution tasked with looking after the city’s homeless.
'Luke', means giving light. The body of work visually speaks to the silence of a contemporary society blind to a subculture of homelessness.

'Hidden in Plain Sight'