'I Will Serviva' performance by MFA graduate Emma Scully
9 Jun
/ 5:00 PM
Duration: 9825 milliseconds
5PM NCAD Granary Building

I Will Serviva is a live performance lasting for a duration of 9825 milliseconds. During this time the artist Emma Scully sleeps beneath a patchwork quilt of dreams, situated in the gallery space. As she sleeps, a timer counts the seconds that pass, until it reaches 9825, triggering an alarm. Each figure, a person. A person without a home. There are currently 9825 people living in emergency accommodation in Ireland. However the number of homeless is much higher as this figure does not include those sleeping rough, couch surfing, in hospital or in prison. The performance acts as a way of recognising each of these people and allows the artist to get a glimpse into how it feels to sleep under the eyes of passers by.