‘Flood Walk’ with tour guide Cece Quigley and fine art graduate Leo Verstappen
8 Jun
/ 4:30 PM
Duration: 1hr
4.30PM Tour starts at Bridge Street Park, Dublin 8 and finishes in Trinity College, TCD

Image: Leo Verstappen, year: 2022, name of the image: Flood Walk performed by Ceecee Quigley
‘Flood Walk’ is a short tour through the centre of Dublin with tour guide Cece Quigley and Sculpture & Expandaned Practice graduate Leo Verstappen. The tour is a speculative tour and pretends that it is the year 2050 and Dublin (and the rest of Ireland) is heavily affected by the floods due to climate change. The tour is a historical tour and connects the past with the present of 2050.
8th June – 4.30pm
Tour starts at Bridge Street Park and finishes in Trinity College, TCD.